What are 3 types of meditation that may be for you
Meditation is a proven way to relax and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. Some people think of it as some kind of religious practice, but the truth is, meditation can be done by anyone no matter if they’re religious or not, or what their beliefs are. There are so many different types of meditation that it’s hard to know where to start! In this blog post we’ll talk about what are 3 types of meditation that you might want to try.
The three different types of meditation can help you with whatever you need. Whether it’s for relaxation, healing or finding an inner sense of peace. It takes a little patience and practice to get the hang of all three types, but once you learn how to use them, they can be an important part of your life.
What are the 3 types of meditation?
1. Mindfulness meditation
This focuses on being present in the moment and just letting any thoughts pass through your mind without following them. It often uses the breath to help focus on the present moment and take your mind of your thoughts.
Breathe in slowly and breathe out slowly, and simply focus on your breath. When your mind wanders off, bring it back to thinking about your breathing.
This can be done by anyone at any time of day. Many people use this type to decrease stress or stay calm during a situation. It takes a bit of practice, but it can be very rewarding.
One of the best guides that we’ve found for mindfulness meditation is Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn. This audio program teaches you how it’s possible to change your life just by becoming more mindful of your breathing. Additionally, it contains five guided meditations where you will discover the same techniques used in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, allowing you to more fully experience life’s joys and pleasures.
2. Mantra meditation
Here the focus is on using a word or phrase that you repeat over and over again out loud or just in your head. This kind of meditation is about focusing on the sound or word instead of focusing on other thoughts or emotions. It allows you to release any tension in your mind and become more self-aware.
Sit in a quiet place and say out loud for instance the word “Om”. It is pronounced as a drawn out “aum” and should sound like “aa-uu-eemm”. Repeat this multiple times until you feel relaxed, then repeat it silently in your mind as well.
You can use mantra meditation to, for example, calm anxiety and stress and find your inner peace.
3. Loving-kindness meditation

This is also known as “compassion meditation”. It’s about expanding your heart-felt positive emotions. It can be used to strengthen feelings of compassion, empathy, kindness, and acceptance toward oneself and others.
It can be done by sitting in a quiet place and closing your eyes. Focus on extending the energy of love, compassion or acceptance from yourself to a specific person, or imagine enveloping yourself in this energy. Some people like to imagine this energy as white light. When you notice this feeling of loving-kindness raising within you, experiment with extending the energy to all people and the earth itself.
Loving-kindness meditation is great for those holding feelings of anger or resentment, since it can help release those feelings for compassion and kindness instead. It can even be used for alleviating feelings of depression and anxiety. It is said that with time, this form of meditation can actually alter your brain activity for the better.
We found a great guide for diving into loving-kindness – Embracing Your Boundless Heart by Sharon Salzberg. In this audio program she guides us step-by-step into four essential qualities for cultivating loving-kindness, gratitude, and joy.
Meditation benefits
Now, after exploring what the 3 types of meditation are, let’s look at some meditation benefits.
Meditation has been practiced for centuries in many cultures. Above all, it is an incredible way to help you find inner peace, balance your emotions and stay focused. Meditation can be viewed as an exercise of the mind because it requires deep levels of concentration and focus. In this increasingly busy world, meditation allows you to slow down and appreciate life more fully.
Furthermore, meditation can serve as a gateway into the spiritual self and help you learn more about your inner self. The practice can be used to find answers within yourself and even uncover hidden emotions that need to be addressed.
Meditation is often viewed as one of the best coping mechanisms for mental disorders such as anxiety or depression because it helps you take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Additionally, meditation is even used in some medical practices to help lower blood pressure, heart rate and stress levels.
Practicing meditation is a great way to improve your life. Especially if you would like to feel less stressed out, more energized, and happier. It can help you experience less emotional highs and lows, give you better focus and concentration, and even improve self awareness and relationship skills.
Meditation can also help you sleep better at night. Practicing before bedtime helps clear your thoughts and put your mind and body at ease, so that it can relax and ready itself for a good night’s rest.

The focus in this blog post on what are 3 types of meditation you can benefit from, is just the beginning. There is much to explore with mindfulness, mantras, and loving-kindness meditation that could help you achieve a higher level of consciousness and self-awareness. If any one or even all three sound interesting to you, don’t hesitate to try them out!
We hope that our tips have been helpful for your journey into mindful awareness and will help you relax and find peace through these different types of meditation.

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