How to Stay Calm and Peaceful During Christmas: A Holiday Mindfulness Guide
Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be stressful for many people. If you are one of the many who feels stressed or anxious during this holiday season, then this blog post is perfect for you! We have collected mindfulness tips that will help calm your mind so that you can fully enjoy all of the festivities. Learn how to stay calm and peaceful during Christmas with these 10 tips.
1. Go on a walk outside in the fresh air
Going outside and walking in nature is a great way to get some time away from the hustle of Christmas. Get some fresh air while you take your mind off of all that’s on your list. This will help de-stress both body and mind, but make sure to leave your phone at home or in your pocket on mute!
Practice taking notice of your surroundings and really taking in all of the beauty and details you see. It’s very easy to get caught up in our own heads during this busy holiday season, but being able to step outside of yourself and take notice of your surroundings can help to ground you. If you get outside early in the day you get the benefit of some natural light, which leads us to the next tip.

2. Bring the light inside
Bringing light into your home is a great way to increase happiness and promote better sleep. Since winter times on the northern hemisphere tend to be dark, it’s important to get as much natural light inside your home as possible during the day. Open up curtains and blinds so that you can enjoy natural light throughout the day while you are at home. Practice breathing deeply while you stand near your window and take in some of that natural light. You can even practice a mini meditation while standing or sitting by your window!
Also try adding some new lamps or lights with a warm tone in your home, Christmas lights are an added bonus for a holiday cheer. This can help your mood by having comfortable cozy lights even when the sun sets early. Don’t forget about turning off all of the lights in your home some time before bed. This will help signal your body that it’s time for sleep.
3. Make sure you have enough time to get things done
It’s easy to overcommit yourself during Christmas time, so try to have a realistic idea of what you can accomplish in one day. Then break your list into smaller steps that are more manageable. It is very easy to become stressed if you put too much on your plate. Be sure to leave some downtime for yourself as well!
Remember to be mindful while doing chores. Stay focused on the task at hand and try to enjoy each activity for what it is. Try not to think about future tasks and things to do. Since you are already working on your list, make sure that you take some time out of the day to relax.
4. Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings
During this time of year, it’s easy to get wrapped up in thoughts about what we should be doing or what we have done wrong. We can also feel a lot of pressure from society and our loved ones to have the perfect Christmas. When you start to notice that your mind is ruminating, simply bring your attention back to the present and take some conscious relaxed breaths.
If you do happen to feel overwhelmed or stressed, know that it is completely natural and okay. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself the time and space to relax. Don’t forget to be compassionate towards yourself and practice mindfulness throughout the holiday season.
One of the best ways to reduce stress during Christmas is through mindfulness meditation. And one of our favorite audio guides for that is Mindfulness Meditation by Tara Brach. Here she offers nine of her most effective guided sessions.
5. Use mood lifters
Christmas isn’t always about being surrounded by family and friends. Sometimes it can be just as special to spend time alone. Get lost in a good book, watch your favorite Christmas movie, go for a walk, or listen to calming music. These small moments can help to brighten your mood and provide some relief from stress during the holiday season.
Here’s a few ideas: Watch an old movie classic like It’s A Wonderful Life (1946). Get into the holiday spirit by listening to Christmas music, or perhaps some ambient music to relax. Take a walk outside to enjoy the winter scenery and get some fresh air. Read that book you’ve had on your shelf for months. Stay warm and cozy and spend some quality time alone.
6. Take time to reflect on the year
The holiday season is a great time to reflect on the year that has passed. What were some of your highs? And lows? What did you learn from both good and bad experiences? Taking some time to write down your thoughts can be very helpful in moving through any difficult emotions. Sometimes it’s helpful to talk to a friend or family member about your reflections. They may be able to provide some insight, or simply listen and offer support.
Forgive yourself for any mistakes you feel you’ve made this year – we’re only human after all! Even though the past year may have had challenges, it is important to remember and pay attention to the moments of joy and happiness that were present. These moments can be a great reminder to focus on the good in your life and have gratitude for what you have. Which leads us to the next tip…
7. Make a list of what you’re thankful for

Christmas is a time of year when there is often a lot of pressure to buy more things, stress about what gifts to get everyone, or whether you’re doing enough preparations this year. It can also be an emotional time that brings up all kinds of thoughts and feelings.
Write down a list of everything you are grateful for – big or small. For instance just being able to go outside when it’s sunny, or having a delicious meal. When you take the time to reflect on what you’re grateful for, it can help to shift your focus from negative thoughts and emotions. It also helps to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. This has been shown to have many benefits such as increased happiness, improved health, and decreased stress levels.
Sometimes, we feel like we need more and better things to be happy. This is generally not true. What often truly matters is the simple and free things in life, like the people and relationships in our lives. It can be helpful to refer back to your list throughout the holiday season (and after). If you find yourself feeling stressed or down, take a few minutes to read through your list and reflect on all of the good things in your life.
8. Engage in activities that bring you joy
It’s important to do things that bring you joy and happiness during the holiday season. During this time of year, it can sometimes feel like there can be a lot of pressure around spending time with friends, going out, being social, or taking part in every family tradition. Remember that it’s okay for you not to do everything everyone else is doing – you don’t need to feel obligated by social norms around the holiday season. If your idea of a good time is staying in and watching old movies all weekend, then go for it!
Remembering what brings you joy helps to shift your focus from other people’s expectations of how Christmas should be celebrated. It also allows you to enjoy yourself more freely without feeling obligated by social norms about being “busy” or “social”. It’s okay if you want some alone time – stay in and read a good book or watch your favorite movie. It’s important to take time for yourself during the holiday season – after all you deserve it.
The holiday season can also be a great time to take up a new hobby or activity. For instance: Painting, knitting, cooking, yoga, or meditation. These can be great activities to help you relax, de-stress, and feel more peaceful during the holiday season.
9. Use your breath to keep calm and centered
When we’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, our breath often gets shallow and fast. This can aggravate the feelings of stress and anxiety. Instead, try to focus on deep, calm belly breaths. This will help to slow your heart rate and calm your mind.
You can practice deep breathing exercises whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed during the holiday season. It can also be helpful to practice deep breathing exercises before bed, or when you wake up in the morning (to set an intention for your day).
You may find it useful to keep a journal of how often and when you do these activities. This way, if/when life becomes busy again after the holidays are over, you’ll have a reference of what has worked for you in the past.
10. Stay present
The holiday season provides plenty of opportunities to get caught up in our thinking or mind-wandering. We may be worrying about things that haven’t happened yet, or fretting over events in the past. This can create a lot of inner stress and anxiety, which is not useful during this time. It is important to remember that we all experience some level of stress and worry at different times throughout our lives. It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with us. Be kind to yourself and know that it’s okay if you don’t feel happy all of the time.
It can be helpful during the holiday season to practice being present in your life – focusing on what you’re doing right now. You can do this by focusing on your senses. What can you see, hear, smell, taste and feel right now?
Another way to stay present is to focus on your breath. When you find yourself getting caught up in thoughts, simply return your attention back to your breath. This will help to anchor you in the present moment.
How to stay calm and present during Christmas
During the holiday season, it’s important to take some time out for yourself in order to stay grounded, peaceful, and calm. You deserve it! Remember that you are not alone in this – everyone experiences stress during Christmas at one point or another. So be kind with yourself and practice some mindfulness throughout the season.
We hope that these tips will help you to stay calm and peaceful during Christmas, and enjoy all the festivities while feeling your best. If you find that they are helpful, feel free to continue using them throughout the year. We wish you a happy and wonderful holiday season!
P.S. To find out about our favorite mindfulness meditations, guides, and more – visit our resources. And make sure to get our free mindfulness guide below.

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“30 Tips To A More Peaceful And Happy Life”
Do you find yourself living in the past or worrying about the future?
Do you ever feel like there is just too much going on and not enough time to take care of what really matters?
If so, mindfulness exercises can help! Mindfulness exercises are a great way to practice living in the moment and become more peaceful. They can even help with stress relief.
This guide will provide you with 30 of the best mindfulness tips and exercises that anyone can do.
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